What makes up a special live music brunch in midtown? Every food lover is conversant with this question, however, only very people have a good answer to this million dollar question. There are many factors that makes for an entertaining live music brunch, the entertaining setting of the pub, the delicious craft cocktails and beer on the menu and the cuisines are all factors that determine how well a live brunch would go. While there are a couple of watering holes that meets up to this standard, there are only very few that can be compared to the Haswell greens beer hall. The Haswell greens beer hall is a sensational all in one restaurant in midtown that caters to the needs of every food connoisseur, they bring you some of the most sought-after dishes such as the tasty Salad, burger, sliders and other mouthwatering delicacies. Asides the delicious cuisines that is offered at Haswell greens bar the bar is also popularly known to be one of the best vegetarian restaurants near ...